Hype may have its place, but not in franchising. In fact, the less excited potential franchisees are, the better. Who needs the hype!A cou…

Hype may have its place, but not in franchising. In fact, the less excited potential franchisees are, the better. Who needs the hype!A cou…
If you’re thinking about undercutting the competition, make sure it’s not your blood you eventually slip on. Irrational competitionBeing un…
When disaster threatened, it was Six Sigma to the rescue. Thanks, Six Sigma. Conference call: problem solvedA few weeks ago I received a d…
Last time I hired a scooter, I didn’t pay a deposit or show ID. Was the owner mad or has he worked out what’s worth worrying about? Fe…
On international women’s day, Australia is a laughing stock. But don’t blame employers, we do enough! Paid maternity leave is overdue. Don…
Having trouble managing your time? So am I, but here are some tricks I’ve learnt to make life a little easier. Reclaiming your timeI’ve j…
Don’t like your first life? Take a new name, a new face and step into the virtual world of Second Life. Out of the real world, into the…
Be warned. Negative gearing rules for residential properties are going to change — and sooner than you think. There is a lot of confusi…
Labor’s maternity leave proposal might sound fine, but it would be disastrous for small business. Maternity leave of his sensesOppositio…
Selling goods and services over the internet means going into unfamiliar legal jurisdictions. Don’t be alarmed, but do be alert. Trading…
For sustainable fast growth your business needs a pipeline of new opportunities for the future. The Hare and the Tortoise?Fast growth can…
Look beyond the past to see how to do things better. Thinking skill – cut to the chaseRome is not just one city. It is a number of cities…