Twitter rolls out “buy” button to selected US users

Twitter rolls out “buy” button to selected US users

Twitter has rolled-out its “buy” button, in the social media giant’s first foray into the world of e-commerce.

The button, which has been the subject of persistent rumours over recent months, will sit alongside  “reply”, “retweet” and “favourite”, for selected US tweeters using the Twitter mobile app, but Twitter said in a blog post the service will “grow over time”.

After tapping the “buy” button, users will see additional product details and then be prompted to enter shipping and payment details.

Twitter said it is partnering with four platforms to test the “buy” function—Fancy, Gumroad, Musictoday and Stripe—although more partners will come on board over time.

Among the brands taking part in the trial are The Home Depot and Burberry, while artists such as Demi Lovato, Eminem, Keith Urban and Pharrell will also participate in the trial.

The expansion into e-commerce has meant an update to Twitter’s privacy policy, with Twitter opting to store the payment and shipping details of users within Twitter for future purchases.

Twitter explained the buying process in this YouTube clip: