Google pulls the pin on Google Glass eyewear sales

Google pulls the pin on Google Glass eyewear sales

Google will discontinue sales of its Google Glass eyewear, but it’s not the end of the tech giant’s flagship augmented reality product.

According to the BBC, Google insists it’s committed to launching the smart glasses as a consumer product, but will stop producing Glass in its current form.

Google is shifting its focus to “future versions of Glass” and will close The Explorer program, which gave software developers a chance to buy Glass for $US1500 ($A1823)

The team behind Google Glass will move out from the Google X division, which develops projects such as Google’s self-driving car and delivery drones, and become a separate undertaking under current manager Ivy Ross.

Ross and the Glass team will report to Tony Fadell, chief executive of the home automation business Nest, which was acquired by Google a year ago.