Fast money with simple speed changes

I want to talk to you about speed today, and how little tweaks can make huge differences in your bottom line. I took a look at a couple of sites where we made one small change. In comparing the weekend just gone with the one before, we looked at a client with a large average basket size. They went from zero sales to four sales, which was significant money for them.

With another site, we compared two weeks to each other, doing the same change we did in the first instance. With this site, our entire goal completions are up 45%, and mobile alone is up 31%.

The changes that happened in both these sites were speed changes and one that’s fairly simple to do in almost all sites. We installed and switched on Cloudflare, which does a few things. Mainly people use it for a content distribution network, which means that it takes your website and places it into its content distribution network. Basically, that means it collects your information into its data centre, and when people request your website, it sends a version from the data centre closest to them in the world. It creates a digital shortcut, which means shorter load time for digital content.

That’s just one change you can do. We’re doing this for the user experience, now, not for Google. This won’t affect your ranking, but it’s purely to create more sales. It speeds up the site, so users don’t get bored waiting for it to load and leave. They get in, buy something, and get out, which has resulted in increased sales transactions for both these clients.

This article originally published on

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