Love it or hate it, one thing about the internet is that it’s fundamentally changed the way we communicate. Whether it’s sending a text…

Love it or hate it, one thing about the internet is that it’s fundamentally changed the way we communicate. Whether it’s sending a text…
After what seems like an eternity, the Government is finally set to pass legislation needed to construct the National Broadband Network, and…
The Government will now pass its National Broadband Network legislation after Family First senator Steve Fielding pledged his support late l…
When Stephen Conroy became Minister for Communications in the Rudd government he has an overriding aim – he wanted to be remembered as the…
Thorn Group, the company which owns and operates Australian retail icon Radio Rentals has decided to ditch its fledgling online retail ventu…
I’m a bit tired and cranky this week from competing deadlines. This generally brings out my more caustic side, so I thought I would share li…
In the past, the biggest obstacle to SMEs adopting highly effective promotional tactics was money, or lack of it. Television advertisin…
As banks continue to be pilloried by consumers over interest rate rises and exit fees, a new report has found major financial institutions a…
The Federal Government will submit the National Broadband Network to a Parliamentary committee in order to judge the economic and social ben…
Property giant Westfield has finally launched its online shopping centre with dozens of brands including JB Hi-Fi, Borders and a range of fa…
Internet search giant Google has launched turn-by-turn navigation capabilities for Australian Android users, with the company launching the …
On the weekend I was having a chat by the pool with a friend of mine who is an executive producer at Channel 9. We see each other every w…