Registry companies are rubbing their hands with glee at the possibility of new business that will come from companies being able to register…

Registry companies are rubbing their hands with glee at the possibility of new business that will come from companies being able to register…
Porn. Much of the rest is pornography. If the speed of the network were faster, the amount of piracy would rise because it would be quicker …
A Harvard University academic has raised doubts about the correctness of the famed long tail theory of internet commerce, reports. …
Global online giants Google and Skype have warned that tough regulations are required to ensure consumers and business have affordable acces…
Are company policies of having passwords just an attempt by IT to deflect blame? BRENDAN LEWIS By Brendan LewisPasswords piss me off great…
The festival season for business owners has begun. The Victorian Government kicks off festivities today with the launch of the Energise Ente…
Qmcodes works by putting a small, interesting looking barcode on any magazine or newspaper article or advertisement. Then all any person wit…
Spending on internet advertising is set to total more than $US65.2 billion this year and will grow 15% to 20% a year, reaching $US106.6 bill…
Businesses may soon be able to register their brands as domain names depending on the outcome of a vote to be held by the world’s key onli…
Telstra chairman Don McGauchie is worried that Optus/Singtel and the ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel have begun to convince communications minis…
So how should your IT be managed, and who should do it? Here’s some thought starters. BRENDAN LEWIS By Brendan LewisLast week I talked a…
Social networking sites such as MySpace have seen a large growth in advertising revenue, but if the site’s estimated gains for this year a…