Almost three-quarters of the top 100 sites on the internet are hosts for either malicious code or redirect browsers to malicious websites, a…

Almost three-quarters of the top 100 sites on the internet are hosts for either malicious code or redirect browsers to malicious websites, a…
At any one time I have around five books on my bedside table. I tend to buy books I want to read and dump them there until I get to them, pl…
Let’s face it, we all have our favourite communications channels. Many prefer the immediacy of getting on the phone. Others prefer the …
The number of people using the internet has now reached more than one billion, not including children or users who access the internet on mo…
Online encyclopedia Wikipedia has become one of the most popular sites on the internet. With its user-driven model allowing readers to edit …
Social networking sites know a lot about you – and with all that information at their fingertips, coupled with the fact that people …
A massive computer virus has spread across the internet, infecting computers worldwide and even managing to bring down the computer system o…
Customer relationship management needn’t be difficult – in fact it can be downright helpful. BRENDAN LEWIS By Brendan LewisI’m connect…
A poorly moderated group could turn a killer app into a killed one. CRAIG REARDON By Craig ReardonHappy new year to you. And I hope your bu…
The Google empire is growing. After launching the group’s email service Gmail four years ago, it is now the fourth most popular email serv…
In another case of social networking helping to bag a criminal, New Zealand police have found a burglar through networking site Facebook.Que…
Just in case the aspiring builders of the national broadband network (NBN) were under any illusions about Telstra’s response, if anyone ot…