As consumers, each of us belongs to a carefully constructed marketer-generated segment – from the famous age-oriented Gen-Ys and Gen-Xs to…

As consumers, each of us belongs to a carefully constructed marketer-generated segment – from the famous age-oriented Gen-Ys and Gen-Xs to…
One of my relatives occasionally drives me mad with his worrying: How would it look if he failed? What would his wife say? What if he didn’t…
Social networking giant Facebook will now begin to offer its 150 million customer base to companies, marketing the offering as a polling too…
Media group ninemsn has slashed 10% of its workforce, including its mobile sales team, and has disbanded in-house web development group 9 Pi…
After Apple decided to remove digital rights management from music sold on its iTunes store, the company has changed its course and is now o…
An Irish internet service provider has agreed to disconnect users who illegally download music files from the internet. Irish company Eir…
Search engine giant Google hit a snag last week when it accidentally labelled every user’s search results as sources of malicious software…
An Australian IT company has been unwittingly roped into an iPhone scam, after the company’s name was used as a front for selling the devi…
Speculation is growing that online auction house eBay is preparing to sell its internet telephone subsidiary Skype. The rumours have bee…
Microsoft’s next Internet Explorer browser is complete, but critics say a test version released this week is full of problems. Th…
The software-as-a-service (Saas) industry will hit a high note during the economic downturn as businesses search for more cost-effective IT …
Just days after Encyclopedia Britannica’s president attacked Wikipedia for its inaccuracies, the online information service will now amend…