A new payment system is set to be launched in Australia by British company Ukash that will allow consumers to buy products online without di…

A new payment system is set to be launched in Australia by British company Ukash that will allow consumers to buy products online without di…
More signs have emerged that social networking site Twitter will reveal its model for generating revenue after launching Twitter 101, a site…
Internet giant Google has released its “latitude” service for the iPhone and iPod Touch, which allows mobile users to view the locations of …
The Australian privacy commissioner is investigating a report on alleged privacy breaches by social networking site Facebook, after her Cana…
Video networking site YouTube is introducing new features that will allow users to view how well their uploaded videos are rated on the site…
“Garbage in, garbage out”. When I first heard this term at a project team meeting some years ago I thought some disparaging remarks were bei…
The world’s largest bookseller Barnes & Noble has opened an eBookstore offering over 700,000 eBooks, with half a million free of charge cour…
Twitter is one of the biggest social networking sites on the internet, with new widgets and applications being made every day in order to in…
Last week I wrote an email that started off with: “Sorry I’ve taken a while to get back to you, I have been swamped lately”. It’s not the fi…
Last week social networking site Twitter was hacked, with hundreds of private corporate and personal documents stolen. The documents were re…
Digital service company Webfirm has scored a coup by snaring an investment of almost $1 million from Chris Morris, founder of global share r…
More documents stolen from social networking site Twitter have been released on TechCrunch, showing the company’s executives would consider …