Sony hopes flagship Xperia smartphone will change its fortunes

A senior Sony executive has revealed the company is developing a new Android-based flagship smartphone, aimed at competing against the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S3.

In an interview with Financial Times Deutschland republished by the Xperia Blog, the CVP of sales and marketing at Sony Mobile Communication, Dennis Van Schie, reveals the new device will be unveiled early next year at either the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas or the 2013 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

A key focus for the new device will be the integration of music and videos, along with cross-device support, suggesting that a video downloaded onto an XPeria will also be downloaded onto a user’s other Sony devices.

The cross-device integration of music and videos is in step with the “One Sony” policy introduced by current CEO Kazuo Hirai in April.

Van Schie also says that while Android will remain its primary focus, it is also “keeping an eye” on Windows Phone.

Last week, SmartCompany reported ratings agency Moody’s has downgraded the troubled electronics maker to one notch above junk-bond status, putting pressure on the company to succeed in the launch of its new smartphone.