Second quarter smartphone marketshare: Samsung slips and Apple slides as LG jumps

Samsung’s worldwide second quarter marketshare has slipped year-on-year despite the Korean smartphone giant shipping 20 million more units per year, according to new smartphone marketshare figures from IDC.

According to the new IDC figures, overall worldwide smartphone shipments for the second quarter of 2013 stood at 237.9 million, up 52.3% from 156.2 million for the same quarter last year.

Samsung remained the market leader shipping 72.4 million units to claim 30.4% marketshare during the quarter, with shipments up from 50.3 million but marketshare down from 32.2% a year earlier.

The pattern was repeated more dramatically at second placed Apple, which shipped 31.2 million units for 13.1% marketshare, up from 26 million units but with marketshare down from 16.6% a year earlier.

Third place in the market is now claimed by LG, with 12.1 million units and 5.1% marketshare, up 108.6% from 5.8 million with 3.7% marketshare a year earlier.

Fourth place Lenovo reported an even more explosive growth rate of 130.6%, growing from 4.9 million units and 3.1% marketshare a year ago to 11.3 million units and 4.7% during the second quarter.

Rounding out the top five was Mozilla’s Firefox OS partner ZTE, which saw its marketshare tick up slightly from 4.1% last year to 4.2% during the second quarter of 2013, as its volumes grew 57.8% from 6.4 million to 10 .1 million over the same period.

“Lower-priced smartphones continue to gain traction, but the key for vendors will be to keep prices low while still offering premium devices and services,” says IDC research manager Ramon Llamas.