Mobile love … Long holidays are history … Drive green

Mobile love

A new survey indicates yet more differences between men and women, this time in the use of mobile technology in managing relationships, reports ITWire.

Women are more likely to send text messages after a few drinks and it is women more so than men that admit to breaking up with a partner via text message according to the “Love bytes” survey by mobile telco 3 and online dating website RSVP.

The survey found that email and text messaging is the most popular way to contact prospective dates for about 60% of men and women. About a third of men and women rely on mobiles.

Almost a quarter of men and a third of women have used text, email or instant messaging to dump a partner: 12% of men and 18% of women have broken up with a partner via text message.

There are still some old-fashioned lovers: 58% of men and 46% of women prefer to break it off face-to-face.

Drink and text? The survey found that 46% of men and 55% of women admit to having been intexticated (texting under the influence of alcohol).


Long holidays are history

Australians are taking shorter breaks and many are seeking physical or spiritual transformation when they take time off work, according to a survey of 1100 people by Publicis Insight, reported in Travel Weekly.

The survey found that 67% of workers do not take breaks of longer than two weeks. Holidays where people seek to change their physical appearance or “shed emotional baggage” are becoming more popular. One of the fastest growing travel segments is “Golden Renaissancers” — baby boomers who have finished raising a family and now want to “do something for themselves”.


Drive green

Last week we let you know how to fly green, but there are plenty of options for those who want to drive green, too.

Environmentally friendly car hire companies are popping up all over the world, Springwise says, with green-hire companies starting up in the US, Britain, and now Australia.

Melbourne’s ecolimo offers to shuttle you from your business meeting to Tullamarine airport in a petrol/electric Lexus hybrid, which emits 45% less carbon that the average limousine.

But when it comes to the green stakes, London’s ecoigo is the leader. Ecoigo promises to buy enough carbon offsets to more than offset the carbon emitted from its cars, making each trip a plus for the environment.