MY BEST TECH: Jim Stewart

Jim Stewart is the head of SEO firm Stewart Media, and has gained quite a following online due to regular video posts in which he talks about SEO and how current search trends are affecting his practices.


Stewart says his latest favourite piece of tech is some analytics software that allows him to see just how well his videos are performing.

“The latest one I’m really having a play with a lot in the past 24 hours is analytics for YouTube. It’s showing more information, I believe, about how your users watch your content than what anyone could give you about your written content.”

“It’s showing you things like areas in your videos where people fast forward, or rewind, or areas where they skip. It gives you a whole lot of feedback.”

“It’s a part of the whole new YouTube interface, and integration with social media. The ability to go to YouTube and see what your Google Circles are doing for instance, is very impressive.”