Gary Ng is the chief executive of Sydney-based SEO and marketing firm e-Web Marketing. The company has won plenty of accolades, including ranking on the SmartCompany Smart50 along with a number of “best place to work” awards.

Ng’s favourite piece of tech isn’t software, a smartphone or an app – it’s a simple vacuum cleaner.

“The Samsung NaviBot is my favourite. It’s a robot vacuum cleaner that goes around the house, navigating through all the furniture and then cleans everything,” Gary says.

“It actually cleans quite well and when you see what it does, it actually collects quite a bit of dust. It saves me a lot of time.

“There’s another reason I like it too. My son is two years old and he gets kind of scared of it. So whenever he’s having a whinge, I always warn him that the vacuum cleaner is coming out!”