Google to reveal new Nexus One smartphone tomorrow

Internet giant Google is expected to announce the launch of its first official smartphone handset tomorrow, after details of the device have been leaked across the internet for weeks by tech analyst and bloggers.

It is also suspected the company will release pricing details for the device, which could quash earlier rumours the gadget was to be sold for just $US100.

Several press agencies have been invited to a January 5 event to be held at the Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, which has been described by the company as an “Android press gathering”.

“With the launch of the first Android-powered device just over a year ago, we’ve seen how a powerful, open platform can spur mobile product innovation,” the invitation said. “And this is just the beginning of what’s possible.”

No other details have been released about the event. And while Google said last month it had delivered a handset to employees for internal testing, it is still unconfirmed whether this device will be the centre of the press announcement.

However, many analysts believe the device will be announced tomorrow due to a wave of rumours and leaks being posted on various tech blogs.

The Nexus One, which is to be produced by Taiwanese-based manufacturer HTC, will differ from other Android-based handsets in being the first smartphone to be branded by the internet giant.

While Google has put its power behind the Android operating system, many analysts suggest a device with Google branding could challenge the iPhone’s dominance of the smartphone market.

Additionally, Google is rumoured to be releasing the phone “unlocked”, meaning users can buy the Nexus One from any retail outlet and use it with any carrier. This differs from the iPhone, which is locked to individual carrier networks.

Gizmodo posted recently the gadget would cost $US530 unlocked, or $US180 with a 24-month contract with US telco T-Mobile. This differs from previous leaks which stated the gadget would be released with a cash back offer to users with Google accounts, indicating a price of about $US100 – extremely cheap for a high-end smartphone.

The device itself, according to the leaks, looks similar to the iPhone but is slightly thinner. It features the Android 2.1 operating system, a 3.7-inch display, 512MB of RAM and comes with a 4GB microSD card.

Additionally, it features a light sensor, proximity sensor and accelerometer. As with other Android devices, it will be able to access the Android store which features thousands of apps for sale. It also comes with a 5-megapixel camera, Stereo Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Google’s control of the smartphone market through its Android operating system is still quite low, with just 3.5% market share according to ComScore. However, new figures from Gartner suggest smartphones containing the Android handset will control 14% of the market by 2012.