A leadership conference headlined by Richard Branson, Boost Juice founder Janine Allis and Michelle Bridges over the weekend has been slamme…

A leadership conference headlined by Richard Branson, Boost Juice founder Janine Allis and Michelle Bridges over the weekend has been slamme…
An important phase of brainstorming which is often glossed over is defining the challenge itself. It is important to get the wordi…
Once you’ve done some solo brainstorming, generated some fresh ideas, shared the best ones with a colleague to narrow them down and build on…
New ideas pop up when you’re able to make connections between existing things floating around in your brain. I call these things the…
“What if-ing” is a great way to get your brain into creative thinking mode. My bet is that you already do it every day. Probably multipl…
An idea is the connection of two seemingly unrelated things. If you think back to the last great idea you had, then spent a little bit…