We’re awash with data and businesses have to figure out how not to drown in it. Last week Yahoo! closed down its directory pages ending on…
We’re awash with data and businesses have to figure out how not to drown in it. Last week Yahoo! closed down its directory pages ending on…
Yahoo! has closed a number of legacy services and its chief executive, Marissa Mayer, has issued a statement to investors after investment f…
Yahoo has released a new replacement home screen for Android devices known as Aviate. Using machine learning and data mining, the app automa…
Following in the footsteps of other tech giants, Yahoo has released its diversity report and it looks like they’re keeping with the white an…
What once seemed like an overly efficient entrepreneur’s pipedream, being able to consolidate your social media, website management and le…
Apple remains ahead of Samsung but Android is beating iOS in terms of smartphone marketshare, while Google and Facebook are dominating the a…
Changing a logo is never an easy task, as recovering media giant Yahoo! discovered this week. The business debuted a new version of its mast…
The highs and lows of Martha Stewart’s life: From her reign as America’s home living queen, to financial embattlement and everything in …
While the majority of global venture capital is going to the US, the Asia Pacific region had the highest average deal value in the three mon…
Yahoo! has continued its streak of acquisitions, picking up email inbox management software Xobni for $US30 million. “Did you ever meet s…
Yahoo! has jumped on the video bandwagon with its latest acquisition, snapping up mobile video platform Qwiki for $US50 million in yet anoth…
Google remained the online search market leader in the US with a marketshare 66.7% in May, but Microsoft’s Bing is slowly catching up, reach…