In a report that is due to be released next month, the OECD has drawn a picture of the state of the world’s digital economy, or at least t…
Let’s be clear about what the National Broadband Network “bidding process” has really produced; the Government has received four reque…
Social networking with mobile broadband access is hitting big waves, with data from research firm ABI Research indicating MySpace and Facebo…
The global GSM Association made a remarkable prediction over the weekend that should have an explosive impact on the tender for Australia’…
An unexpectedly high take-up of “naked” DSL broadband has helped Perth-based internet service provider iiNet boost underlying profit for…
In an unexpected way, the credit crunch, and the problems of outfits like Babcock & Brown, will help the Terria consortium with its bid to b…
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy should think again before demanding that the National Broadband Network be all fibre-to-nodes and tha…
Wireless broadband is set to leave fixed line in its tracks in the race for consumer take-up in coming years, according to forecasts by inve…
Google is joining forces with several giant US telcos to develop and roll out high-speed WiMax internet network for mobile devices in the US…
Business travellers sometimes need access to the internet as they move around, but it may not be cost effective to invest in a long term wir…
Australians took up broadband and wireless internet connections in record numbers in 2007, new internet activity survey results collected …