Transitioning to mobile can be intimidating for many businesses. It’s such an evolving beast that it can easily be put in the too hard bas…
Microsoft has launched its first smartphone that costs less than $100 outright, ahead of a Windows 10-related event later this week. The fir…
Samsung is reportedly considering releasing new smartphones running Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform, rather than Google Android, as it …
Facebook is rolling out its trending topics feature to the Android version of its mobile app – but Apple iPhone and Windows Phone users at…
Telstra has announced a new app for Google Glass, despite the fact the augmented reality glasses are still to be released in Australia. Th…
Outgoing Nokia chief executive Stephen Elop is set to receive a €18.8 million ($25.5 million) golden parachute if shareholders agree to se…
Low-end Nokia Lumia smartphones are dominating the Windows Phone market, according to new figures, while widespread continued use of Windows…
Android now runs on four-out-of-five smartphones sold worldwide, while Apple’s iOS runs on just one-in-six, according to new worldwide sma…
Android has pulled ahead as the dominant smartphone platform during the first quarter of 2013, according to new IDC figures. The figures s…
A leading analyst has predicted BlackBerry, formerly known as Research In Motion, will ship around 10 million of its BlackBerry 10 smartphon…
A divide has opened up between smartphone sales in the US and Australian markets during the 12 weeks ending November 25th, with Android domi…