Is mobile the new black? My Windows Phone is bright yellow rather than black but now everything is going mobile and everyone wants to be in …
Worldwide sales of mobile phones declined 2.3% year-on-year to 419 million units, but smartphone sales were up 42.7% over the same period, a…
Leading analysts believe that Samsung has surged ahead of rivals Apple and Nokia in smartphone sales, according to a Reuters poll. A…
Android has established a clear lead over Apple in the US market, while smartphone users are now a majority of US mobile phone consumers, ac…
Up to 75% of the energy used by free apps for Android and Windows Mobile is spent serving ads, according to new research from Purdue Univers…
Manufacturing giant Nokia may drop its mobile prices by the end of the year, new reports have suggested, in order to increase sales. T…
New figures released by research firm IDC predict Windows Mobile software will be second only to Android in tthe smartphone market by 2015 t…
Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer has said the smartphone market is still a “terribly important” area for the company, even though it …
Unlike many of the questions answered in this blog, this week’s question is not one I get asked often. In fact, many people think, ‘Why do I…
While many mobile enthusiasts were excited for Microsoft’s release of the Windows Mobile 6.5 software, critics have panned the unofficial an…
The Apple 3G iPhone has beaten its competitors for the amount of mobile web usage recorded on the device, with AdMob figures for April 2009 …