We all know about the importance of a professionally presented website. You might have the best, the cheapest, the most prestigious or th…
We all know about the importance of a professionally presented website. You might have the best, the cheapest, the most prestigious or th…
There are few of us in the digital industry that haven’t made the same mistake – that of overestimating the willingness of SMEs to embrace…
In this day and age, it’s amazing how many businesses still have a poor online presence or none at all. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a f…
Previous readers would know that my own small business specialises in assisting the smaller business market with their online requirements. …
When I heard about the Click Frenzy crash, my first thought was that if you are an SME with your own set of servers it is a bad idea to incl…
It happens across all service industries and the digital services industry is certainly not exempt. Despite all the painstaking work put…
You may have heard of the famous quote by media academic Marshall McLuhan, the one about ‘the medium being the message’. To be honest I’…
There’s no doubt that there’s a refreshing whiff of fresh business even at this early stage of the year. If, like me, you get a sense t…
In the current economic climate marketing, like most else in your business, has to achieve more with less. So, resist the temptation to negl…
This week we continue last week’s blog looking at the really important aspects of eBusiness a smaller business operator now needs to know. …
As a web designer and SEO expert, you’re correct! I especially like your comments about getting into the free directories – these only take …
Today, IT is a vast field that requires teams of people for each specialisation. As business owners we need to step back from the technology…