A push by unions to guarantee the right of workers to return to work part-time or on reduced hours after taking parental leave will “immed…
A push by unions to guarantee the right of workers to return to work part-time or on reduced hours after taking parental leave will “immed…
The High Court has held that a man who was fired after calling his co-workers “scabs” will not get his job back. BHP Coal fired Henk Doevend…
Mining giant Rio Tinto has accused unions of putting jobs at risks over “unreasonable” industrial relations claims, including compassion…
In 2010, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said WorkChoices, the controversial industrial relations policy introduced by the Howard government, …
The Australian Council of Trade Unions is continuing its push for the minimum wage rate of workers to be upped to $636.40 a week, an increas…
More changes to the Fair Work Act to give the Fair Work Commission more power will be announced by the federal government today. The chan…
This year is off to a flying start and we are already seeing some very positive shifts. This is what I have already noticed. What have you f…
On February 5, Grace Collier, an IR consultant contracted by builder Tedra, negotiated her way past the picket line at the City Water West p…
Unions and employer groups look set for an election year showdown over workplace relations after ACTU secretary Dave Oliver called for the F…
The Australian Industry Group has warned more jobs will go offshore and more businesses will close unless Australia’s industrial relations s…
Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten today offered limited relief on unfair dismissal laws to business but the Australian Chamber of Co…
Industry groups have welcomed a unanimous ruling by the High Court which restores legal rights when employers are sued for allegedly discrim…