I’m experiencing a bit of virtual jet lag. We’re exhibiting at the International Technology Expo this week in Second Life. Office hours star…

I’m experiencing a bit of virtual jet lag. We’re exhibiting at the International Technology Expo this week in Second Life. Office hours star…
A recent court decision on Virgin Blue age discrimination signals an added burden for employers. By PETER VITALE of VECCI By Peter VitaleA …
Drinking more, smoking lessAbout 40% of Australians drink weekly and 9% of Australians drink every day, according to a study by Australian H…
The rush of business sales is causing huge changes. Prices are falling and accountants and online business sellers are muscling in to steal…
Con Liosatos and Con Scrinis saw an opportunity in Australia’s fragmented traffic services sector – providing signs, signals and road ma…
A study of the characteristics of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs was revealing for the US market – and the trends are mirrored here. How to…
The fast-service restaurant chain Wagamama opened in Australia only five years ago, but now boasts 13 outlets and a turnover close to $20 mi…
Honey, don’t call me angelAngel investors do not like the term, even though most invest in new business opportunities for more than just t…
Space research troubles? Call an SMENASA and the European Space Agency believe SMEs will be the key to developing tomorrow’s ground-breaki…
Industry responds to obesity fearsMasterFoods Europe will no longer promote confectionery aimed at children aged under 12 in magazines and o…
Wine makers are facing several challenges, on several fronts, but the opportunity is there to make some tough rationalisations now to be set…
Creativity, done well, leads to profit. But the ability to solve problems is even more useful for business. Creativity is not all you mig…