As the number of Australian tourists taking overseas trips increases, Alan Joyce has warned the high-flying Australian dollar should now be …

As the number of Australian tourists taking overseas trips increases, Alan Joyce has warned the high-flying Australian dollar should now be …
The iconic Melbourne Adelphi Hotel has shut its doors, another victim of the harsh hospitality environment throttled by a high Australian do…
Hopes of a recovery in demand for tourist accommodation in 2013 on the Gold Coast have been dealt a blow, with young Australians increasingl…
Foreign tourists are travelling to Australia in record numbers, an increase the tourism industry is attributing to savvy marketing by Touris…
The tourism industry has warned the sector’s Tasmanian operators they will continue to feel the effects of the state’s ravaging bushfires, a…
The cracks in the travel market continue to worsen. Shares in online travel group Webjet have fallen 10% this morning despite an upgraded pr…
The Advertising Standards Authority in the United Kingdom has found user review sites TripAdvisor and Skytrax have made unsubstantiated clai…
Cruise ship company Classic International Cruises has collapsed into voluntary administration and is potentially “many millions of dollars” …
Jot Lynas is only 30 but already he has founded a business which turns over $6 million a year by hosting parties on tropical islands for sch…
The tourism industry has welcomed Virgin’s announcement that it will take a 60% stake in Tiger Airways, with the Tourism and Transport Forum…
The tourism industry has skewered the government for increasing the backpacker visa charge from $280 to $350, saying it’s the latest slight …
Bluechip Properties, which owns a chain of hotels operating under the Leisure Inn brand and turns over $5 to $6 million a year, has slipped …