After dramatically grabbing the Liberal leadership from Malcolm Turnbull last year on the issue of climate change, Opposition leader Tony Ab…

After dramatically grabbing the Liberal leadership from Malcolm Turnbull last year on the issue of climate change, Opposition leader Tony Ab…
Against all expectations, Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt have actually come up with a clever climate change policy, and certainly one that will c…
Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott has announced plans for a $2.5 billion emissions reduction fund in order to reduce carbon levels by 20…
Julia Gillard has had a pretty mixed week. She might have landed a few telling blows on Tony Abbott this week over his pronouncements on vir…
The decision by the government to propose a 5 per cent emissions reduction, but to offer more cuts if other key countries take that step, sh…
Emissions trading died in Nopenhagen last Friday and its death will have a huge impact on Australia. Over coming months business and c…
Opposition leader Tony Abbott and Small Business Spokesman Bruce Billson have both called for an official inquiry into restrictions on busin…
Descriptions of Tony Abbott’s new cabinet as a lurch to the right are hardly surprising and not far off the mark – after all, many of the …
The current national account deficit has risen by a seasonally adjusted 23% to $16.1 billion during the September quarter, according to the …
Federal opposition leader Tony Abbott has announced the small business ministry has been dumped from the front bench, with Steve Ciobo to be…
New Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s sudden and completely leftfield declaration that his solution to climate change will not involve any car…
Tony Abbott has been elected leader of the Liberal Party after beating Malcolm Turnbull by one vote in a party-room vote. Abbot, who wil…