Businesses hate doing tax returns. But imagine if you had to do it once a week. And then imagine if the ATO called you up because you mad…

Businesses hate doing tax returns. But imagine if you had to do it once a week. And then imagine if the ATO called you up because you mad…
A Coalition government would introduce a mandate for officials on the Board of Taxation, the Competition and Consumer Commission and the Fai…
Small business groups have criticised the Greens’ proposed paid parental leave policy, saying even though it taxes big business it will incr…
Tony Abbott continues to be preferred prime minister despite the Labor leadership spill, according to a SmartCompany poll. The anonymous,…
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said he’s unlikely to move a motion of no confidence, saying the Australian people should choose their prime…
Growing up, your humble correspondent was taught to support the mighty Hawks in what was then the VFL (now the AFL), the Glenelg Tigers in t…
If the Coalition wins government in September’s election it’s clear Australia’s competition laws are going to get a major revamp in a move …
Recently, Old Taskmaster read a column in The Australian by Nick Cater echoing his recent book, The Lucky Country. Of course, even those …
Australia recorded the eighth highest business tax rate in a 26 country comparison study published today by accounting and consultancy firm …
Can you believe it? We’re now debating a second term Abbott government. On one hand, cautious Tony is presenting himself as careful and…
A Coalition government will delay increases to the superannuation guarantee for two years and small business will be a cabinet portfolio wit…
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has emphasised cutting red tape for small business, maintaining the carbon tax compensation and provid…