Cashed-up online fashion retailer The Iconic has come under fire after it was revealed the company has been outsourcing jobs to India, with …

Cashed-up online fashion retailer The Iconic has come under fire after it was revealed the company has been outsourcing jobs to India, with …
Australian online fashion retailer The Iconic is cutting jobs and relocating parts of its customer service to India despite a stated commitm…
Finn Haensel, co-founder of The Iconic, had reason to sound chirpy on the telephone this morning after just announcing a $25.2 million inves…
You’ve got to hand it to the Yanks, they don’t do things by halves. They even found a way to bring Black Friday – a day of shoving, shoppi…
Sydney-based fashion retailer The Iconic has landed almost $20 million in funding from JP Morgan Asset Management, despite launching less th…
Online fashion retailer The Iconic has just secured an estimated US$20 million ($19.2 million) in funding from JP Morgan Asset Management to…
The next wave of online retailing, far more dangerous for traditional store retailers than the first wave, is now upon us. It has been happe…