The stockmarket was hoping for great things from Apple’s earnings announcement for the December quarter. Most of all, they were hoping for…

The stockmarket was hoping for great things from Apple’s earnings announcement for the December quarter. Most of all, they were hoping for…
There is little doubt that 2012 was a massive year for technology – robots on Mars, exoskeletons offering signs that wheel chairs may one …
In his 2012 State of the Union address US President Barack Obama lamented the fact that billionaire Warren Buffett faces a lower tax rate on…
Despite my university title, I’ve always thought that someone, one day, will discover that I’m not a “real” academic. This hasn’t …
The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment’s inquiry into workplace bullying has delivered some important…
The Australian Government’s recently released white paper on Australia in the Asian Century identified productivity as one of five key are…
Governments are forever immersed in the daily challenge of responding to what the former British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan once knowin…
The Australian Law Reform Commission is conducting an inquiry into copyright law and the digital economy in 2012 and 2013. The President,…
There are four facts we have all become aware of in the past few days – if not months – regarding car manufacturing subsidies. Fact …
Treasurer Swan could reduce the headline corporate tax rate from its current 30% rate to just over 15%, with virtually no consequences for g…
From the time the carbon tax policy was unveiled in February 2011 until its implementation on July 1, the unchallenged consensus of the Canb…
One of the more contentious issues in the 2012-13 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) is a tax-timing change. Corporate inc…