In his recent speech on personal income tax cuts, Treasurer Joe Hockey made clear that the “common cause of reform [of the tax system i…

In his recent speech on personal income tax cuts, Treasurer Joe Hockey made clear that the “common cause of reform [of the tax system i…
The nation’s peak small business association has called for greater emphasis to be placed on microeconomic reform, as business and indu…
Labor has backed an idea to introduce the ‘Buffett rule’ to charge a minimum rate of tax on high income earners. Under the proposal, anybody…
Discussion of an increased GST at this week’s leaders’ retreat is based on two motivations. Firstly, state governments expect future struc…
State and territory governments must take more responsibility for balancing their budgets, according to federal Treasurer Joe Hockey. Spe…
Australia has experienced exceptionally good growth over the past decade but a report released yesterday by the International Monetary Fu…
The federal government should consider taxing small businesses based on cash flows, according to the Australian Industry Group. Moving to a …
Achieving tax reform is often a long process as the government of the day looks for consensus before presenting proposals to the Parliament….
Prime minister Tony Abbott has suggested that people will find the 2015 federal budget “pretty dull and pretty routine”, which has been …
The federal government recently released the Board of Taxation’s report on taxation impediments to the success and growth of small business,…
A new year has dawned. It’s a time for resolutions and a time for wish-lists. Wearing my tax hat, what do I really want from 2015? For clo…
Payroll tax is back on the political agenda after an Abbott government minister called for tax reform saying he has never thought payroll ta…