By now you’ve probably heard the tragic tale of the collapse of renowned three-hat eatery Bilson’s Restaurant, owned by the masterful ch…

By now you’ve probably heard the tragic tale of the collapse of renowned three-hat eatery Bilson’s Restaurant, owned by the masterful ch…
I love this time of year. The sun is starting to shine, the sport of kings (horse racing for the uninitiated) is heating up and the roses ar…
So the Gillard Government’s carbon tax has passed the Lower House of Federal Parliament and is on its way to become law. That means…
Like lots of entrepreneurs, I always come to work with a to do list. Like lots of entrepreneurs, I almost always leave work with a number of…
The other day I was having lunch with a friend of mine who runs a services business and all she could talk about was how slow things had bee…
I’ve read a fair number of the thousands of articles written in tribute to Apple founder Steve Jobs. Like many, his entrepreneurial succes…
Sometimes I get an insight into just how much business has changed. The other day I watched one of our top sales people leave for a trip. As…
I’ve got bad news for you – there are something like 80 days until Christmas and the clock is ticking. The approach of Christma…
The Tax Forum looks like being a spectacular talkfest but being the optimistic soul that I am I haven’t given up hope that a few really ni…
As you well know, I am a huge fan of rich lists from around the world. As a great entrepreneur myself, I love reading about my fellow titans…
Like many entrepreneurs, I’ve been watching the coverage of the case brought against Richard Pratt’s estate by a former mistress with fa…
Five days after seeing Myer CEO Bernie Brookes speak I am still thinking about what he had to say. You’ve listened to me prattl…