Furniture retailer Super-A Mart has been slugged with a $30,000 fine after two employees were injured when an elevated work platform toppled…

Furniture retailer Super-A Mart has been slugged with a $30,000 fine after two employees were injured when an elevated work platform toppled…
Furniture, bedroom and outdoor furniture store Super A-Mart has paid two infringement notices following an investigation by the Australian C…
Back in 2005 when I was stationed in Brisbane working for BRW, I got a tip on a new rich list member who I was told could well be in the big…
The Federal Court has brought to an end a long-running legal stoush between furniture giants Super A-Mart and Nick Scali, ordering Super A-M…
Furniture retailer Super-A-Mart will be forced to pay out more than $1.3 million in back pay for nearly 900 staff in accordance with a rulin…
Listed furniture chain Nick Scali has launched Federal Court action against discount rival Super A-Mart, alleging misleading and deceptive c…
Furniture retailer Super A-Mart has been slapped by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission after three incidents that could have…