Federal telecommunications minister Stephen Conroy has quietly backed down from his plans to extend the Do Not Call Register to business num…

Federal telecommunications minister Stephen Conroy has quietly backed down from his plans to extend the Do Not Call Register to business num…
Negotiations between Telstra and the Government regarding the National Broadband Network are expected to conclude soon, with communications …
Optus, the nation’s second largest telecommunications company, has partnered together with Telstra in attacking the Federal Government’s pro…
Communications minister Stephen Conroy has attacked internet giant Google regarding the company’s protests against the Federal Government’s …
The US Government has said it is concerned with the Australian Government’s plan to introduce a mandatory internet filter. A spokesman …
The Government has announced it will release the National Broadband Network implementation study before the Federal Budget in May, following…
A number of internet and software giants including Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have spoken out against the Government’s plans to introduce a…
The Federal Opposition has used Question Time in the Senate to grill the Government about its plans to change the way independent contractor…
The legislation designed to split Telstra’s networks into separate wholesale and retail divisions has been delayed for at least two months a…
Federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has defied a Senate Order by refusing to release the implementation study into the costs surr…
It is becoming less and less likely that Telstra and the NBN Co will agree on a deal. Communications Minister Stephen Conroy is underst…
A report provided to the Government by the CSIRO used to justify the $43 billion investment in the National Broadband Network has been attac…