Ireland is the latest nation to appeal to foreign entrepreneurs to do business in the region, in a desperate bid to boost employment, follow…

Ireland is the latest nation to appeal to foreign entrepreneurs to do business in the region, in a desperate bid to boost employment, follow…
To paraphrase Thomas Edison, “social media is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”. It’s easy (and fun) to take the plunge into …
Although the duo were portrayed as bitter entrepreneurial rivals, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were also friends and collaborators. Here, Gates…
Tech giants Apple and Zynga are among the top five trademark “bullies”, according to new data, which identifies companies involved in th…
A new survey reveals Google’s Android operating system has replaced Apple’s iOS in terms of its importance to developers in the Asia-Pac…
There’s an old maxim that “one bad franchisee means there’s a bad franchisee, but 20 bad franchisees means there’s a bad franchisor�…
Today on StartupSmart, we ask five of Australia’s leading sales experts to recall their worst experiences dealing with clients. Eac…
This article first appeared September 27, 2011. Most of the time advertising is all about hitting your target market, which is very logi…
The definition of success among small firms depends on whether they are motivated by growth or lifestyle, an academic says, but both have th…
It may be a new year, but the news remains fairly grim for retailers. It appears that consumers are in a seemingly-permanent saving mode, un…
Today on StartupSmart, we test your business knowledge with a quiz that should stretch even the sharpest entrepreneurial minds. Altho…
Given the way various gurus regularly bombard budding entrepreneurs with their wisdom, you would be forgiven for thinking that a deep knowle…