This article first appeared on May 28th, 2012. Sometimes you don’t want to back up your whole computer. Sometimes, you just want to bac…

This article first appeared on May 28th, 2012. Sometimes you don’t want to back up your whole computer. Sometimes, you just want to bac…
Start-ups typically have limited access to external funds to support getting their business off the ground. Formalised channels that establi…
At a macro level, last night’s announcements provide nothing new for SMEs and lack any measures to stimulate business confidence and the i…
Working from home is often thought of as the ‘dream’. The flexible hours, the less than ten step commute, the freedom to determine your work…
In a budget where there was very little to excite businesses of any size, let alone start-ups, it’s hard to see how any entrepreneur will …
Small and medium-sized businesses are relieved to have escaped the worst of the cuts in last night’s budget. Peter Strong, executive di…
The federal government has denied that National ICT Australia, the nation’s flagship IT research and innovation program, is to be killed o…
Start-ups could face fines in excess of $10,000 if they make false or misleading statements when applying for an Australian Business Number,…
The 2013-14 federal budget was handed down last night. As expected the budget was very plain and focused on education, disability and infras…
I find that I’m having to sign lots of contracts in my start-up phase with suppliers and other partners. I know I should be scanning the f…
This article first appeared on January 27th, 2012. Google Chrome is a wonderful browser to use, especially because it’s so clean. But m…
The federal government will extend the funding for its flagship clean tech initiative, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, confounding f…