A new wristband that links to a smartphone app is designed to be worn around the clock to make the wearer healthier by tracking eating habit…

A new wristband that links to a smartphone app is designed to be worn around the clock to make the wearer healthier by tracking eating habit…
A website and phone app has taken the notion of the “now and then” photo to another level, allowing people to see what a street looked l…
Events that offer to set up wealthy older men with young women, dubbed Sugar Daddy Parties, are set to hit Britain after becoming popular in…
Investable is a free ideas exchange and networking forum for the financial market, enabling more accountable and transparent discussion arou…
Sydney-based tech start-up Deputy.com is the only Asia-Pacific company that will compete in this year’s Amazon Web Services Start-up Chall…
Australian universities are being encouraged to make their intellectual property available for free, after the University of NSW said it wil…
A new sat-nav can project route directions onto windscreens, leaving drivers with no excuse for getting lost. Developed by Californ…
Lonely Planet has named Darwin as one of the top 10 cities in the world to visit, suggesting the tourism industry could be set for a boost i…
Cronsync is a web-based time-tracking and accounting solution, which simplifies billing and invoicing procedures while showing businesses ho…
We’ve all heard of near field communication technology being used to make mobile payments, but a student from the University of Sydney has…
For anyone who wants to know whether they’re being paid enough, there’s an app that can calculate a person’s current worth in the work…
Artificial blood made from stem cells could be used in transfusions in just two years, which would prevent shortages in hospitals, prove a l…