This article first appeared on December 21st, 2011. The work Christmas party is now an almost notorious hotbed for legal risk. Employers …
This article first appeared on December 11th, 2011. Is it illegal or immoral to turn up at another business’ Christmas party and poach …
Ah, the Christmas party season. Don’t you just love it? Overly boozed staff, late nights, long waits for a cab home… who says Christmas …
Dear Ms Manners, I enjoy Christmas parties because I get a chance to finally relax and have a drink with the people I work with. But what i…
The business-to-business services sector is set for a gloomy Christmas trading period, according to the latest Sensis Business Index. …
An HR expert says start-ups should opt for casual Christmas parties amid reports of a return to corporate opulence in the wake of the global…