You can lean in or out or sideways or whatever way makes you happy, according to Chua Sock Koong, who heads up the Optus parent company Sing…
Optus has responded to Telstra’s push to become a cloud services provider focused on the Asia-Pacific region by outlining plans to leverag…
Japanese incumbent telco Nippon Telegraph and Telephone is reportedly lobbying Telstra for a partnership, amidst growing competition from Op…
SingTel, the Singapore-based parent company of Australian telecommunications giant Optus, has announced plans to expand a major data centre …
Singapore Telecommunications is looking to sell off the satellite communications arm of its wholly-owned Australian subsidiary Optus, seekin…
Optus has announced the rollout of 4G coverage to 70% of Australians living in metropolitan areas by the middle of next year, along with a l…
Telecommunications giant Optus is ramping up its involvement in the start-up sector, alongside Singaporean parent SingTel, after acquiring S…
Optus has acquired Eatability for $6 million in a deal the site’s founders say was based on the restaurant review website’s in-depth con…
Optus has announced that it will begin switching off its Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) cable network in 2014, and will completely dismantle the…
Allphones, the 170-strong mobile phone and broadband chain which started with a single store in South Australia 12 years ago, is reportedly …
Optus has been named as one of five global providers of a new piece of technology that will allow companies to distribute cloud-based inform…