In a story published this week in London, The Telegraph’s commodities editor, Andrew Critchlow, warns Australia is headed in the same d…
The Reserve Bank of Australia is tipped to announce an interest rate cut today to boost the waning economy. The RBA will announce its rate…
If the media is to be believed, the reason the real estate market is so hot is due to foreigners, especially Chinese, turning up with blank …
The Abbott government has abandoned its search for budget savings in this year’s budget and will not meet its forecast return to surplus i…
Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has warned Australia’s AAA credit rating is at risk unless substantial cuts are made to the budget….
The flat Australian wage growth figures have led unions and the Labor Party to argue that the federal government’s warning of a wages “e…
Toyota has announced it will close its Australian manufacturing division by the end of 2017, signalling the end of car manufacturing in the …
Last week, the US Treasury released a report on the global consequences of a default. It makes for stark reading. Its conclusion reads: �…
The nation’s leading economists are in complete agreement: The Reserve Bank will cut rates this afternoon. With weak economic data cont…
The Australian economy is upside down. At least, that’s what it seems like. After a few years of being told we were travelling well thr…
The resources and construction boom will start deflating by the end of this year, a report has predicted, with economists flagging an uncert…