Dear Aunty B, I hope you can solve this one because it is doing my head in. I have a delightful PA who does a really good job. The problem i…

Dear Aunty B, I hope you can solve this one because it is doing my head in. I have a delightful PA who does a really good job. The problem i…
Dear Aunty B, I read your story on SmartCompany yesterday and now I feel quite bad. I had a new female member of staff come to me a few w…
Employers need to take care to ensure that employees and managers are aware of their obligations under Equal Opportunity, Work Health and Sa…
Many employers find out too late that anti-discrimination law at both state and federal level deems the employer responsible, and equally li…
Businesses must be vigilant in monitoring employee activity on social media during Christmas parties to avoid legal entanglements that could…
Computer giant IBM says it takes sexual harassment and bullying claims “very seriously”, as it battles legal action from an employee who say…
In the end, the sexual harassment battle between David Jones, it’s former chief executive Mark McInnes and its former junior publicist Krist…
Department store giant David Jones has described parts of the sexual harassment claims levelled against it by former publicist Kristy Fraser…
The sexual harassment claim launched against David Jones by former publicist Kristy Fraser-Kirk has started in spectacular style in the Fede…
Just days after retail giant David Jones was hit with a $37 million sexual harassment claim, a new survey suggests 44% of Australian women h…
A $37 million sexual harassment claim launched against David Jones and its former chief executive Mark McInnes may have sent shockwaves thro…
An Adelaide woman has been awarded a compensation payout of $466,000 in one of the biggest penalties ever handed down for sexual harassment….