Stop for a minute and reflect: What is your view of selling? Has your perception of sales changed over the years? Stop for a minute and r…

Stop for a minute and reflect: What is your view of selling? Has your perception of sales changed over the years? Stop for a minute and r…
When I first started in business, cold calling was de-rigueur. These days require a warmer approach. In the “olden days” when I…
The sales profession needs motivation, sure. But cross the line into manipulation territory and result can be catastrophic. What is th…
If I hear “Oh let’s exceed our customers’ expectations” one more time I will scream. If I hear “Oh let’s exceed our customers’…
I am aware that I am a better sales person than I am a sales manager. The two functions almost need separate budgets. Last week I spoke …
I’ve been there myself – don’t burnout before your time. There are always options. Sales is not for the faint hearted, nor is run…
I’ve done the research: in sales Men are from Mars and Women from Venus… we can learn from each other Last week I explained that my …
It was my research that led me to the title of this blog, and the data still stacks up well. Get me a womanSome of you may be wondering w…
I have often wondered what exactly is the magic quality that makes great sales people. Here’s seven emerging sales competencies. Like man…
I knew that being hesitant in the sales arena was a no-no, but I didn’t know just how much business it could cost. I knew that being he…
My phone at home rang, and the spiel began. I felt disengaged and disinterested. What are they thinking?! I was working from home when …
I am seeing a lot of time wasted by sales staff aimlessly chatting with clients. I am seeing a lot of time wasted by sales staff aimless…