Australian electronic transfer company Technocash has closed its accounts in advance of being named by US corporate regulator, the Securitie…
Listed companies in Australia should monitor social media when they are close to completing a market sensitive transaction and when they hav…
The Securities and Exchanges Commission in the US has issued guidance to companies allowing them to make key announcements to investors thro…
The United States Securities and Exchanges Commission is examining whether information gained through sources within Apple’s supply chain …
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is under investigation by the US Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) over comments he made on the company’s …
Google says that its recently announced restructure of its Motorola Mobility hardware business will cost at least $US275 million before the …
Technology giant HP will cut 27,000 jobs as part of a restructuring program that is likely to affect Australia while Facebook, its underwrit…
All short selling is banned; it is as banned as insider trading and armed robbery. In Australia, regulatory guide 196 says: “A person m…