The dream of many tech startups is to partner with, or sell their solution to, large companies that will either pay them a truckload of mone…

The dream of many tech startups is to partner with, or sell their solution to, large companies that will either pay them a truckload of mone…
Since LinkedIn started its publishing arm there has been a growing tsunami of articles filling our news feeds and inboxes. Amongst this flo…
Continuing my series of answering questions sent in by you, this week’s question asks about the intersection of sales and customer service…
When asked whether behavioural economics (BE) applies to business-to-business (B2B) as well as business-to-consumer (B2C), “people are peopl…
What if we aimed to sell better instead of focusing on only selling more? At risk of giving every sales manager and business leader a coron…
‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ is a saying coined in the 18th century that means a small amount of knowledge can mislead peop…
I was reminded recently of an article I read about a jewellery store that chose not to display any of its prices. Buyers would stop, see a p…
Sue BarrettPerspective taking is a critical life skill that can serve…
Selling products to a customerSales is an ever-changing dynamic. In 2…
January 9, 2015 marked 20 years in business for Barrett Consulting Group. Twenty years of helping company sales leaders and their salespeopl…
I have been thinking about how salespeople and others who are responsible for bringing in new business to their organisations feel when they…
As we get close to our celebration of 20 years in business at Barrett, we thought we would share with you the most common and critical sales…