The federal government yesterday abandoned its proposed $500 million cut to assistance to the automotive industry. The Automotive Transfor…
The federal government yesterday abandoned its proposed $500 million cut to assistance to the automotive industry. The Automotive Transfor…
Automotive product manufacturers warn Toyota’s decision to cease manufacturing in Australia is likely to lead to an industrial domino effe…
The government will soon charge the Productivity Commission with delivering a draft report on the car industry, according to a report in The…
The automotive industry has emerged yet again from a state of flux after Holden workers voted to freeze pay for the next three years and hel…
Holden has cut 500 jobs across Melbourne and South Australia citing poor market conditions. The future of its remaining employees is also …
A car components supplier employing 400 workers closed indefinitely yesterday in a move which is likely to force production shutdowns at Hol…
Receivers were called in yesterday to take control of APV Automotive Components in Melbourne that supplies fuel fillers, rear suspension par…