Dollar smashes US83 cent barrierThe Australian dollar hit yet another 17-year high today, pushing through the US83 cent barrier to be US82.2…

Dollar smashes US83 cent barrierThe Australian dollar hit yet another 17-year high today, pushing through the US83 cent barrier to be US82.2…
New figures confirm digital music creeping up The digital share of local wholesale music sales has jumped from 1.5% to 5.5% in calendar 2006…
The last time the dollar was this high Bob Hawke was Prime Minister and Collingwood were about to be the AFL Premiers. It’s not all bad news…
Escalating war of words on broadband A group of 11 telcos made a complaint against Telstra to the ACCC yesterday, alleging that Australia…
The rush of business sales is causing huge changes. Prices are falling and accountants and online business sellers are muscling in to steal…
It is acquisition mania with big companies eyeing off small businesses all over the place. But why are some small businesses getting low pri…
My tongue-in-cheek tsunami dig about coastal property may not have been too far off the mark. Does your house float?Last week I was only…
A study of the characteristics of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs was revealing for the US market – and the trends are mirrored here. How to…
The fast-service restaurant chain Wagamama opened in Australia only five years ago, but now boasts 13 outlets and a turnover close to $20 mi…
The other week I went to hear a speaker talk on leadership in times of crisis… The other week I went to hear a speaker talk on lea…
Business begs for fewer taxesIndustry groups have demanded that the federal and state governments reduce the number and complexity of the ta…
They have outpaced the sharemarket in the past four years, but geared funds typically plummet when the market slides. By MICHAEL LAURENCE. …