Sneakerboy’s win in court opens the door to six months of more rent relief for SMEs
Footwear retailer Sneakerboy has won a case in the NSW Supreme Court, which may have ramifications for thousands of SME tenants that have negotiated rent relief under the commercial tenancy code.
“Good outcome”: Noni B owner reaches agreement to reopen Westfield stores
Westfield and Noni B owner Mosaic Brands have reached an agreement to reopen stores forcibly closed several weeks ago amid the pandemic.
Are stores worth what they used to be? Lew, Mosaic and Westfield lock horns on the future of rents
As Mosaic, Solomon Lew and Westfield fight over the future of shopping centres, we ask whether the humble retail store is worth what it used to be.
Hello Juice outlets fined $276,000 after underpaying teenagers
Hello Juice outlets in Victoria have been fined for stealing wages from 27 workers, 10 of whom were under the age of 18.
Afterpay adds 23,000 new merchants: Four things we learnt from the buy-now-pay-later giant’s results
Afterpay unveiled a multibillion-dollar increase in underlying sales, adding an average of 17,300 new customers each day over FY2020.
Westfield owner grants rent reductions to 1,624 SMEs under landlord bargaining code
Westfield has reached agreements with SME tenants about rent reductions, although larger chains are still at loggerheads with the landlord.
Westfield locks Noni B, Strandbags out of stores as rent disputes escalate
Westfield has locked out hundreds of retailers from their stores, as rent negotiations between retail landlords and tenants escalate.
With a fully remote team, and growing sales, e-commerce retailer MTB Direct launches in New Zealand
Fast-growing Australian retailer MTB Direct has expanded into New Zealand, spurred on by growing consumer demand for mountain bikes during the coronavirus pandemic.
G-Star Raw: 57 stores closed and 200 jobs lost as no buyer found for collapsed chain
Denim fashion chain G-Star Raw has closed 57 stores, and 200 jobs have been lost, after no buyer was found for the collapsed retailer.
Five ways smaller retailers can achieve warehouse-like pick-and-pack efficiency
Whether you offer click-and-collect, curbside pick-up or ship-from-store, here are five ways to increase your pick-and-pack efficiency.
Aussie AI startup HIVERY secures $8 million for tech telling retailers what to stock
HIVERY has raised $8 million, as it makes a grab for a global opportunity helping retailers stock products consumers want.
How Manuko is navigating lockdown with purpose, grit and a winning mindset
As industries began to close down, the Manuko team bunkered down and redirected all their energy into thriving through uncertain times.