Study the truly great business performers in retail and other sectors and you see some startlingly simple things in common to their success….

Study the truly great business performers in retail and other sectors and you see some startlingly simple things in common to their success….
Imagine being in the situation where you rarely have to recruit staff for your shop floor. Where potential employees approach your business …
“Sign, sign everywhere a signBlocking out the scenery breaking my mindDo this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign.” These words, sun…
Recently embarking on a shopping mission, I visited two major city shopping centres. Without exception, every retailer I visited was discoun…
Although romance may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think retail, there are some striking connections. ‘Fit’ retailers c…
It was with great sadness that I read the news about the collapse of Darrell Lea. And I was sad to see that they join the growing numbers w…
All this hype surrounding the upcoming London Olympics had me thinking about the ‘fitness’ of retailers today. To use the analogy of a prime…
We’re living in retail times where the cost of making an inventory mistake is high. Consumers are selecting their products in a cautious and…
“A brand is not a product or a promise or a feeling. It’s the sum of all the experiences you have with a company.” Amir Kassaei, chief…
“Those who believe that the route must remain fixed don’t get very far. Those who believe that the destination must remain fixed change th…
Recently you will have noticed how successful some “fit” retailers have been in capitalising on celebrity endorsement and creating new b…
“In sales, a referral is the key to the door of resistance.”
– Bo Bennett
In the United States, word-of-mouth research company Ke…