A former sales executive at an online travel agency who filed for unfair dismissal after she was not granted a request for flexible worki…

A former sales executive at an online travel agency who filed for unfair dismissal after she was not granted a request for flexible worki…
A bus mechanic, who quit his job then later thought better of the decision and withdrew his resignation, has been awarded $20,000 in compens…
A former employee of an events company in regional Victoria has successfully argued he did not quit his job but was fired, after receiving a…
Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been taken by complete surprise when one of your employees hands in their resignation lette…
After one week, Rebecca Field walked out of what she thought was her dream job. Just 24 at the time, she had an inkling of an idea to start …
Every so often, the internet becomes a platform for disgruntled employees to tell their bosses to get stuffed. The latest in this series o…
When you about to go in to your boss to resign are you excited, feeling dread, angry, confident, smug, highly anxious, guilty or relieved? …
Best Buy founder Richard Schulze will step down as company chairman next month after failing to tell directors that his handpicked successor…
Dear Aunty B, I have had the day from hell. This morning I went to see a client expecting to renew a contract and they fired me because of a…