Don’t kill your competitive difference: Why businesses shouldn’t make remote work permanent
If you’re older and experienced, remote working is fine, because you’re comfortable with the work territory. The same can't be said for younger workers.
Choice Energy’s Christopher Dean shares his coronavirus diary: July 2020
We're back in lockdown, but this time, with seas we know a little better, and a touch more experience, writes Choice Energy chief Christopher Dean.
Three-day weekends for all: How COVID-19 has accelerated a fall in average hours worked
Hours worked in Australia have been trending downwards some time... and that was before COVID-19 hit. Is a three-day weekend becoming more likely?
How Teamgage’s new COVID-19 tool won over 1,200 users in three days
Teamgage is rolling out a COVID-19 update to its continuous digital improvement technology, and is about to take advantage of a $350,000 grant to boot.
The cyber risks that come with employees working from home — and how to mitigate them
From Zoom security flaws, to housemates sharing work computers, to employees using their own devices, new cyber risks are emerging.
Eight things to consider when setting up a remote team, according to four IT executives
Yo Media founder Nathan Harding interviews Australia’s top IT experts to get advice on how businesses can set teams up for remote work.
Five ways to stay productive and sane while working from home
With the increase in people working from home due to COVID-19, here are my five secrets to nailing this new way of work from day one.
Androgogic has had a fully remote workforce for 15 years: Here are five lessons learnt
Androgogic was founded almost 15 years ago with fully remote workforce as a fundamental tenet. Here's how to transiton your own business to remote working.
Staff working from home for the first time? These six tips will ease the transition
It’s absolutely possible to nurture productive, engaged and thriving teams when employees are working from home — but they'll need some leadership.
Schedule, schedule, schedule: How to stay productive when working from home
On hold with the IT team? In need of some motivation? Here are some working from home tips sure to keep you on track and on task.
Dear Human: Do I really want to work remotely?
"I wonder sometimes if I’d be happier being more a part of the culture, as you would put it. Sometimes I wonder if I’m missing out."
Managing a remote workforce is simple, writes Hometime co-founder William Crock
Modern businesses must empower their employees to get the job done, regardless of the environment in which they choose to work.