“Communicate” originally meant “sharing”, “imparting” “to make common” in Latin. We all learn to speak, to converse, even to exchange infor…

“Communicate” originally meant “sharing”, “imparting” “to make common” in Latin. We all learn to speak, to converse, even to exchange infor…
I was sitting next to a wellbeing expert recently on a plane and she said there are three simple keys to happiness: laughter, music and exer…
On a ranch outside of Austin, Texas, I kicked up my heels and laughed my way through boot scootin’ dancing, rubbing shoulders with one of …
Mustering the courage to present confidently in front of others is hard enough, but when it comes to actually engaging an audience and manag…
When people think of presentations they tend to think of large lecture halls, a semi-attentive audience and a somewhat horrifyingly importan…
No doubt each of us has seen dozens of presentations in our lives, throughout our education years and then again through working life. Regar…
Have you ever been to a seminar that you’re really looking forward to, it looked very exciting from the invite, the speaker is a thought lea…
A good speaker can have the world at their feet. Bill Clinton can command $150,000 an hour and is famous for making everyone in the room fee…
Dear Ms Manners, Last week you talked about branding yourself. I love this idea and I’ve picked how I want to portray myself, but sometim…
Dear Ms Manners, I’m nervous meeting new people at functions and even worse if I have to speak in front of people. Do you have any sugges…
Dear Aunty B, I have done everything possible in my life to avoid public speaking because it terrifies me. I run a small company and a…
If I see one more industry babble, jargonistic “positioning” statement crafted to “speak to our audience” I think I might just have to shred…