Administrators of Refund Home Loans have reportedly issued two draft contracts for the sale of the business, with a third contract expected…

Administrators of Refund Home Loans have reportedly issued two draft contracts for the sale of the business, with a third contract expected…
Channel Seven’s Sunrise host David Koch and his wife, Libby, have put the boot into the struggling Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast markets by …
The housing market is tipped to gather steam in 2012, after cautious consumers eschewed buying in favour of renting at the end of last year,…
If you trawl through CBA’s covered bond promo materials there is some fascinating new data that confirms points about the housing market I’…
Why are some property investors able to grow significant wealth while others who have the same information, the same opportunities and the s…
Stan Gordon, head of brand management business Franchised Food Company, has accused landlords of holding back franchise expansion in Austral…
The only certainty is uncertainty: chances are the Australian economy is headed for another topsy-turvy year. But for the nation’s small-…
The auction clearance rate in Sydney across 2011 was 53%. It was down from 61% in 2010 and 65% in 2009 but up 47% in 2008, according t…
Gaming billionaire James Packer is believed to be eyeing another massive investment in Crown’s casino in Perth, talking with the state Gover…
The Queensland government has listened to the pleas of the property industry and will extend the $10,000 Queensland building boost for a fur…
The Commonwealth Bank has agreed to change the way it advertises its “Wealth Package” home loans due to concerns from ASIC that ads did …
Mortgage debt is by far the largest component of debt in Australia today – government debt, which is the focus of political debate, is tri…